Willfor, the sound guy, was super fast despite working his normal job during the jam. He let me know clearly when he was free and, whenever I asked him for something, he'd send something within 15 minutes. I felt a bit weird saying which things I did/didn't like. I didn't imagine I'd end up being a sort of project leader but he iterated everything quickly and it ended up fitting the game well.
I really love the way the themes for the different worlds fit together when you swap between them. I asked him to make some switching-worlds sound effects but I ended up not using them because you couldn't hear the cool differences in the music so clearly. The sound effects are all great but I feel like it may be presenting the player with too much information with the crystal power up/down audible from all worlds, but that's a gameplay issue.
Gnap, the artist, worked hard for the whole time and created a great aesthetic for the game. I got a bit worried close to the end that some bits would end up with my terrible place-holder art but he pulled through and finished everything!
The animations look fantastic and I really like the palette for this game. Gnap mentioned it would have been good to start designing the interface earlier because it was something we began on the last day and took some time to get right.
I spent quite a while thinking about the theme and trying think of a game to fit it. I think I came up with a pretty good match in the end. I thought I'd get some more help from my team with the game design aspect but I don't mind; I like coming up with systems.
I think the game is pretty good gameplay-wise for a 72-hour project but there's a bunch of stuff I'm not happy with-
- The game isn't explained well-enough, especially right-click and the link between the worlds
- The difficulty was too high, as usual
- Level 0 was supposed to be a tutorial, I should have made it so you couldn't lose on it
- The nature world is a confusing concept
- The window size was a bad choice, I should have investigated the more common resolutions to pick a better size, especially since the text was screwy on some systems at half-scale
I think trying to make three games and link them together was a bad choice, it put a lot of strain on Gnap and I and ended up being a bit confusing for the player. I think if I were to start again, I'd scrap the rest of the worlds and make a world-connecting game using only the water world type mini-game.
The template I'd been working on was great for making a game quickly. I managed to re-use some tools I'd made in the past like creating outline images and cracking/exploding entire images. I learnt a bunch of stuff and am going to spend some time updating my template .
People on Ludum Dare seem to be enjoying it and I'm happy with how it turned out. I look forward to doing more jams in the future.