Sunday, 25 January 2015


Getting to grips with Flash so I can help out with the coding side for my job. Managed to get a cool-feeling control scheme. Trying to think of where to go from here- maybe something like Towerfall multiplayer?

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

I got a job!

I'm working on Guild Of Dungeoneering at Gambrinous. This is a really cool job and I feel like I'm pretty well-suited for it. I'm looking forward to seeing the game evolve. Whooo!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Event Horizon released

I had big ideas for the map section but I've decided to cut it as it wasn't fun. I mocked up a quick title screen and figure I should get it out there a little bit. Let me know what you think! download

Friday, 9 January 2015

Animated shaders!

I should probably link these because they're bigger than most of my gifs but-
Colour swirl
Weird windmill
I find this stuff such fun to play with. I can't wait to find a good use for it. I wondered how easy it was to do the teleport/menu effect in teleglitch but I reckon I could do it pretty easily!

I spent a few more hours doing Project Euler stuff and finally finished Problem 60. It seems like a lot of people gave up on that one. I'm still planning on getting to 100 but my progress has slowed down a lot so I think it'll take me a long time.

Monday, 5 January 2015


This is so exciting to me, I spent a bunch of time trying to get a basic shader that doesn't change anything to work and now I've made a bunch of simple ones! Going to try to do some more complex ones tomorrow. Or just more rubbish ones!


I wanted to see if I could simulate school-of-fish type behavior with each fishblob deciding for itself where to go. I think I got something looking ok! They're supposed to stick together and try to stay in the lighter areas. It's so nice to work on something proper rather than weird bugs that took ages to fix and didn't seem to be caused by my code.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Still broken

The fix to the stutter wasn't quite as good as I had hoped. I've spent days staring at moving lines and I need to try something else. My current conclusion is that the stutter is a universal problem with windowed stuff but is only really noticeable in cases like this. Gotta take some time off lines moving across the screen so I'm going to try to make a little thing I've had in my head for a few months. It's about fish!