Sunday, 8 June 2014

Game 11: LongBow

Another game in LibGDX. I'm fairly happy with the way this one turned out. You may be able to see I'm not great with anatomy and the enemies aren't very imaginative but I think it feels nice to play. As usual I've made it a bit too hard maybe but this one puts you back at the beginning of the level instead of the game at least!

LibGDX has some powerful tools behind it but things can easily go wrong with them. I've had a couple of bugs and, because I don't really understand what gradle does, I just had to make a new project and copy the code over. Dealing with images is really easy and sounds are no different. It all works in HTML with no extra configurations even.

Next week I might test out a couple of things in LibGDX to build up a bigger tools-library and then start working on a big game. This is the end of my weekly games but I'll be updating regularly with progress on my first big project, Event Horizon!


  1. Why did you decide to make it too hard? I decided to stop playing after the third round because it didn't seem like there was a way to win.
    Several suggestions:
    -Make the platforms closer together and slightly easier to jump to.
    -Reduce the time it takes to aim by 1/2 or so. It feels too slow in the wind up.
    -Decrease the time between starting to draw the bow (start of click) to the first animation of drawing the bow.
    -Consider adding a hit point indicator of some kind for enemies, its difficult to know how close you are to winning and this would greatly increase the players desire to finish killing an enemy.

    Good job for a first try with libgx!

    1. Thanks for the advice, I think you're definitely right. A lot of things are unclear and the firing could definitely be quicker. I ran out of time a bit near the end like usual so I couldn't polish it as much as I wanted.

      I wanted to experiment a bit to make a game without an explicit tutorial but I made the enemies too complex for a game like that. The two balls have to be both stunned at the same time to be defeated and I think I either need to tell the player that or make it apparent in some other way.
